
A full range of hot beverages in capsules compatible with Dolce Gusto® system, to be enjoyed at any time of the day, for a pleasant and tasty break. From Coffee to Special Coffees, from Ginseng to Teas, from Herbal Teas to Infusions.

Available in flavors: 

Ginseng: ginseng, ginseng without Sucrose, ginseng and cocoa.

Special Coffees: barley, pistachio coffee, pink milk, cappuccino, café mocha, hazelnut coffee, espresso/decaffeinated coffee.

Tea, herbal teas and infusions: English breakfast tea, green tea, digestive herbal tea, chamomile herbal tea, ginger and lemon herbal tea, orange and cinnamon infusion, wild berry infusion. 


- Original Without Sucrose
- Decaffeinated
- Ginseng e Cacao
- Ginseng Rosso
- Ginseng Miele e Limone
- Orzo
- Caffè al Pistacchio
- Pink Milk
- Cappuccino
- Mocaccino
- Nocciolino
- Caffè espresso/decaffeinato
- Tè English Breakfast
- Tè Verde
- Tisana Digestiva
- Tisana Camomilla
- Tisana Zenzero e Limone
- Infuso Arancia e Camomilla
- Infuso ai Frutti di Bosco